Features Datasheet Support Download Order now
- Extreme low power consumption: 40 nA @ 3 V.
- Wide operating voltage range: 1.2 V to 5.5 V.
- Built-in tuning Fork crystal at 32’768 Hz
- Time accuracy: possible to calibrate to ±1 ppm @ 25°C
- Non-volatile configuration settings with user programmable offset value.
- Configuration stored in EEPROM and mirrored in RAM
- Backup Switch and Trickle Charger function.
- Provides year, month, date, weekday, hours, minutes and seconds.
- Automatic leap year correction; 2000 to 2099.
- 32 bit UNIX time counter.
- Timer, alarm and external event functions with time stamp.
- Clock output: 32.768 kHz, 8192 Hz, 1024 Hz, 64 Hz, 32 Hz, 1 Hz.
- 43 bytes non-volatile user memory, 2 bytes user RAM.
- I2C-bus interface: 400 kHz.
- Packages (RoHS compliant and Lead-free)
- TSSOP14, Part number EM3028VxTP14 (x = Version nbr)
- Ultra small SMD C7 package, 3.2 x 1.5 x 0.8mm Part number EM3028C7 (with integrated crystal)