Features Datasheet Order now
- True Low Power
- 0.75 µA standby mode, LCD Off
- 0.1 µA sleep mode
- @ 3 V, 32 KHz, 25°C
- Low Supply Voltage 1.2 V to 3.6 V
- Melody, 7 tones + silence inclusive 4-bit timer
- Universal 10-bit counter, PWM, event counter
- LCD 20 segments, static drive, 3 or 4 times multiplexed
- Temperature compensated LCD voltage levels
- Built-in LCD voltage multipliers
- RC Oscillator 512kHz
- 72 basic instructions
- 2 clocks per instruction cycle
- EM6627 Mask programmable Version 4kx16 bits
- RAM 128 x 4 bits
- EEPROM 8x8 bit
- Max. 12 inputs; port A, port B, port SP
- Max. 8 outputs; port B, port SP
- Voltage Level Detector (VLD), 2 levels
- Prescaler down to 1 second
- 3 wire serial port, 8 bit, master and slave mode
- 5 external interrupts (port A, serial interface)
- 8 internal interrupts (3x prescaler, 2x10-bit counter, melody timer, serial interface, EEPROM)
- timer watchdog